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Industrial Engineering



The Industrial Engineering program offered by the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) is a pioneering program in Colombia. Its aim is to train integral professionals who are equipped with the skills and knowledge to identify and solve problems faced by organizations with innovative proposals that enhance their competitiveness.

Through a rigorous formative process, the program instills in its students the ability to analyze, design, plan, and control processes with an optimization approach, taking into account the technical, economic, social, and environmental aspects involved. As a result, the graduates of the program are well-prepared to confront the challenges and demands of the contemporary business world.

Bucaramanga, Santander: SNIES 700 | Qualified Registry: Resolution of the Ministry of National Education (MEN) No. 13216  July 17, 2020, valid for 8 years.

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Industrial Engineer (BS)



10 semesters​



In-person / In Spanish



Barbosa (basic cycle)
Barrancabermeja (basic cycle)
Málaga (basic cycle)
Socorro (basic cycle)




Candidates for the Industrial Engineering program at the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) are distinguished by the following:

  • Analytical, deductive, reflective, critical, creative, synthesis, and decision-making skills.
  • Aptitude and interest in Basic Sciences, Technology, and Business Processes.
  • Ability to communicate, relate to others, and work in a team.
  • Cultural identity and interest in broadening horizons towards globalization.
  • Self-confidence and ability to act in diverse contexts and take on challenges with an ethical commitment and social responsibility.




  • Design, undertake, direct, improve and innovate processes that generate goods and services, to increase productivity and profitability of organizations respecting the human being and his or her environment.

  • Apply the knowledge acquired about basic sciences and engineering in diagnosis and problem solving in organizations under ethical principles and the regulatory framework of the country.

  • Manage processes considering technical, technological and scientific criterion to generate goods and services of high-quality standards.

  • Manage the financial resources of the organization carrying out timely management to obtain higher levels of profitability.

  • Lead organizations in the public and private sectors, through the effective work of teams applying the principles of the theory or oral communication and its knowledge in a second language, to impact the local, national, and international media.

  • Be strategic starting from the formulation to the execution of plans and projects in which one participates.

  • Permanently seek the full development of their potential with social commitment.




High quality accreditation: Ministry of National Education (MEN) Resolution no. 13216  July 17, 2020 (valid for eight years).





The Industrial Engineering program has implemented a process of continuous improvement that enables future professionals to establish a solid educational foundation. This will enable them to lead innovation processes, leverage emerging technologies, and anticipate the welfare and safety needs of the community. As a result, students, employers, and society at large can trust that the program meets high-quality standards and prepares graduates for entry into the global workforce.

Program Educational Objectives

The Industrial Engineering program’s educational objectives are to produce outstanding graduates, whom within three years after graduation are able to:

  • Employ their skills, capabilities, and knowledge as industrial engineers to properly manage physical, technological, and human resources in order to identify problems and seize opportunities in organizations.
  • Generate, capture, and transfer value in organizations through leadership, collaborative and multidisciplinary work, and effective communication, all framed within ethical and environmentally responsible behavior.
  • Adapt themselves to technological, social, and organizational changes in a sustainable manner by continuously learning and improving their knowledge through professional practices, training schemes, and postgraduate education.


Student Outcomes

The program of Industrial Engineering aims to develop the following student outcomes:

  • An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
  • An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
  • An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
  • An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
  • An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
  • An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
  • An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.


Historical Enrollment and Graduation Statistics

Graduates (Term)6514986108511417811947143

All about our program




Code:  20252           Credits:    4  – Calculus I

Code:  22949           Credits:    4  – Basic Chemistry

Code:  22979           Credits:    4  – Linear Algebra I

Code:  23015           Credits:    4  – Descriptive Geometry

Code:  23427           Credits:    3  – Language Workshop

Code:  24948           Credits:    0  – University Life and Culture



Code:  20253           Credits:    4  – Calculus II

Code:  22950           Credits:    4  – Physics II

Code:  22952           Credits:    2  – Biology for Engineers

Code:  23423           Credits:    1  – Sports and Physical Training

Code:  28997           Credits:    3  – Computing Programming

Code:  28998           Credits:    3  – Introduction to Industrial Engineering



Code:  20113           Credits:    4  – Analytical Mechanics

Code:  20254           Credits:    4  – Calculus III

Code:  22953           Credits:    4  – Physics II

Code:  23424           Credits:    4  – English I

Code:  28999           Credits:    3  – Economic Environment

Code:  00002           Credits:    2  – Elective I



Code:  20255           Credits:    4  – Differential Equations

Code:  21802           Credits:    4  – Thermodynamics I

Code:  22956           Credits:    4  – Physics III

Code:  23425           Credits:    4  – English II

Code:  29000           Credits:    3  – Accounting Management



Code:  29001           Credits:    3  – Basic Electricity and Electronics

Code:  29002           Credits:    3  – Material Sciences

Code:  29003           Credits:    3  – Statistics I

Code:  29004           Credits:    3  – Costs

Code:  29005           Credits:    3  – Business Administration I

Code:  00002           Credits:    2  – Elective Subject II


Code:  29006           Credits:    3  – Statistics II

Code:  29007           Credits:    3  – Research Operations I

Code:  29008           Credits:    3  – Industrial Processes

Code:  29009           Credits:    3  – Economics Engineering

Code:  29010           Credits:    3  – Principles of Marketing

Code:  29011           Credits:    3  – Business Administration II



Code:  29012           Credits:    3  – Statistics III

Code:  29013           Credits:    3  – Research Operations II

Code:  29014           Credits:    3  – Management Operations I

Code:  29015           Credits:    3  – Finances and Budgeting

Code:  29016           Credits:    3  – Market Research



Code:  23527           Credits:    3  – Information Systems

Code:  29017           Credits:    3  – Quality Engineering

Code:  29018           Credits:    3  – Management Operations II

Code:  29019           Credits:    3  – Occupational Safety and Health

Code:  29020           Credits:    3  – Human Resources

Code:  29021           Credits:    3  – Project Formulation and Evaluation



Code:  22975           Credits:    3  – Final Undergraduate Thesis I

Code:  29022           Credits:    3  – Integrated Logistics

Code:  29023           Credits:    3  – Production Systems Design

Code:  00003           Credits:    3  – Elective  I

Code:  00003           Credits:    3  – Elective II


Code:  22977           Credits:    7  – Final Undergraduate Thesis II

Code:  00003           Credits:    3  – Elective  III

Code:  00003           Credits:    3  – Elective  IV


Code:  23535           Credits:    3  – Corporate Finance

Code:  29024           Credits:    3  – Flexible Manufacturing Systems

Code:  29029           Credits:    3  – Marketing Management

Code:  23544           Credits:    3  – Capital Markets

Code:  23545           Credits:    3  – Management Skills

Code:  29025           Credits:    3  – International Business Management

Code:  29026           Credits:    3  – Technology Management

Code:  25721           Credits:    3  – Corporate Social Responsibility

Code:  29027           Credits:    3  – Process Integration with Information Technology (SAP)

Code:  29028           Credits:    3  – Entrepreneurship

Code:  27565           Credits:    3  – Production Systems Simulation

Code:  40435           Credits:    3  – Data Analytics


Start your registration here!​

Bucaramanga, Barbosa, Barrancabermeja, Málaga, Socorro



Aura Cecilia Pedraza Avella, professor of the School of Industrial and Business Studies, is introduced to the general public and the educational community. PhD in Economics. The photo was taken in the foreground, white background and the professor is located in the center.

Aura Cecilia

Doctor in Economic Sciences
Carlos Eduardo Díaz Bohórquez, professor of the School of Industrial and Business Studies, is introduced to the general public and the educational community. M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering. The photo was taken in the foreground, white background and the professor is located in the center.

Carlos Eduardo

Master in Industrial Engineering

Carlos Enrique

Doctor in Administration

Edna Rocío

Doctor in Business Administration
Edwin Alberto Garavito Hernández, professor of the School of Industrial and Business Studies, is introduced to the general public and the educational community. M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering. The photo was taken in the foreground, white background and the professor is located in the center.

Edwin Alberto

Master in Industrial Engineering

Eliana Marcela

Master in Industrial Engineering
Henry Lamos Díaz, professor of the School of Industrial and Business Studies, is introduced to the general public and the educational community. PhD in Physics. The photo was taken in the foreground, white background and the professor is located in the center.


Doctor in Physics and Mathematics
Hugo Ernesto Martínez Ardila, professor of the School of Industrial and Business Studies, is introduced to the general public and the educational community. PhD in Engineering. The photo was taken in the foreground, white background and the professor is located in the center.

Hugo Ernesto

Doctor in Engineering

Javier Eduardo

Master in Administration
Juan Benjamín Duarte Duarte, professor of the School of Industrial and Business Studies, is introduced to the general public and the educational community. PhD in Business Finance. The photo was taken in the foreground, white background and the professor is located in the center.

Juan Benjamín

Doctor in Business Finance
Juan Camilo Lesmez Peralta, professor of the School of Industrial and Business Studies, is introduced to the general public and the educational community. M.Sc. in Business Management. The photo was taken in the foreground, white background and the professor is located in the center.

Juan Camilo

Master in Business Management
Juan Felipe Reyes Rodríguez, professor of the School of Industrial and Business Studies, is introduced to the general public and the educational community. PhD in Administration. The photo was taken in the foreground, white background and the professor is located in the center.

Juan Felipe

Doctor in Administration

Luis Eduardo

Master in Administration
Martha Liliana Torres Barreto, professor of the School of Industrial and Business Studies, is introduced to the general public and the educational community. PhD in Economics. The photo was taken in the foreground, white background and the professor is located in the center.

Martha Liliana

Doctor in Strategy and Marketing
Néstor Raúl Ortiz Pimiento, professor of the School of Industrial and Business Studies, is introduced to the general public and the educational community. PhD in Engineering. The photo was taken in the foreground, white background and the professor is located in the center.

Néstor Raúl

Doctor in Engineering
Orlando Enrique Contreras Pacheco, professor of the School of Industrial and Business Studies, is introduced to the general public and the educational community. PhD in Management. The photo was taken in the foreground, white background and the professor is located in the center.

Orlando Enrique

Doctor en Management

Olga Patricia

Doctor in Administrative Sciences


Magister in Science and Technology Policy and Management



Icono de estudiantes


*Second semester
2023 data



*Data taken until
september 2023

Do you want more information?

Contact Us


School of Industrial Engineering

Telephone: +57 (607) 634 4000

Extension: 1127 – 2630



UIS Central Campus

Bucaramanga, Santander

Carrera 27 calle 9

Escuela de Estudios Industriales y Empresariales building, fourth floor

Office hours
Office hours

Office hours:

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

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