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Professional Technician in Cultural and Creative Project Management




Business administration focuses on optimizing organizations through strategies for planning, organizing, directing, and controlling human, financial, technological, and other resources. In the realm of planning, administration concentrates on essential projects to define the strategic, tactical, and operational direction of a company or organization.

In the dynamic field of the economy of culture, creativity, and knowledge, economic activities related to the production and commercialization of cultural content, protected by copyright, are constantly evolving. These activities range from representation and exhibition to the distribution and commercialization of cultural goods and services.

In this context, the Professional Technician in Cultural and Creative Project Management specializes in cultural organizations that, through projects, develop planning at a tactical and operational level. Their objective is to face environmental challenges and generate value in the cultural and creative sector.

Floridablanca, Santander | Qualified Registry: Resolution of the Ministry of National Education (MEN) n.° 008616 of 2024, effective for 7 years.

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Professional Technician in Cultural and Creative Project Management



4 semesters










The Professional Technician in Cultural and Creative Project Management program aims to attract students with aptitudes and skills related to business administration and project management in the cultural and creative field. The applicant should possess:

  • Interest and passion for culture and creativity, enthusiasm for art, culture, heritage, and creativity in all its forms. They should be motivated to work in a dynamic and constantly evolving environment.
  • The ability to analyze complex situations, identify challenges, and propose innovative solutions. They should demonstrate skills in logical reasoning, decision-making, and adaptability to changes and ambiguities in the environment.
  • An interest in generating new ideas, thinking unconventionally, and finding creative solutions to business challenges in the cultural and creative sector.
  • An entrepreneurial mindset and the willingness to take calculated risks.




The Professional Technician in Cultural and Creative Project Management is an individual of integrity, ethics, and political and innovative awareness, who utilizes knowledge to promote culture, art, and heritage. They have a solid theoretical and conceptual foundation in the cultural and creative sector, along with specific knowledge of executing cultural and creative projects, including legal, financial, and resource management aspects.

They participate in the execution of cultural and creative projects according to the organization's strategy; they support the processes of knowledge generation, market research, and commercialization, from audience and heritage studies to the evaluation of results and impacts of their operations.




The learning outcomes of the Professional Technician in Cultural and Creative Project Management program are designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary for the effective execution of projects in the cultural and creative fields. These learning outcomes will enable graduates to face the sector's challenges and contribute to its development and growth.

  1. Recognize organizational situations and environmental issues within cultural and creative economies comprehensively, focusing on the expressive value of the sector's products and services and the preservation of cultural heritage.
  2. Execute strategies based on new knowledge that integrate the organization's administrative, cultural, and creative processes with audiences through products of high expressive value, resulting in economic recognition in the market. These strategies will consider the political, economic, legal, and social context at regional, national, and global levels to disseminate artistic products and enhance the sector's competitive capacity.
  3. Implement projects, programs, plans, and policies that align the capabilities and interests of various stakeholders to increase the cultural and creative sector's competitive position in the region and country.
  4. Recognize the audiences of cultural and creative economies and understand their behavior to obtain reliable and timely information from the environment, supporting organizational management.
  5. Operate the technical, logistical, administrative, and economic resources of cultural projects.
  6. Appropriate new knowledge resulting from changes and evolution to improve the operation of cultural and creative projects.

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Code:  00000           Credits:   4  - Calculus

Code:  00000           Credits:   2  - Principles of Marketing

Code:  00000           Credits:   2  - Introduction to Cultural and Creative Management

Code:  00000           Credits:   3  - Colombian Economy

Code:  00000           Credits:   2  - Appreciation and Production I

Code:  00000           Credits:   2  - Expression and Communication

Code:  00000           Credits:   1  - Cátedra UIS

Code:  00000           Credits:   3  - Business and Employment Law

Code:  00000           Credits:   3  - Accounting Management

Code:  00000           Credits:   3  - Cultural Economics

Code:  00000           Credits:   2  - Appreciation and Production II

Code:  00000           Credits:   3  - Comprehensive Elective Course

Code:  00000           Credits:   2  - Foreign Language I: English

Code:  00000           Credits:   4  - Probability and Statistics

Code:  00000           Credits:   2  - Creativity

Code:  00000           Credits:   3  - Costs and Budgets

Code:  00000           Credits:   3  - Public Policy

Code:  00000           Credits:   2  - Appreciation and Production III

Code:  00000           Credits:   2  - Foreign Language II: English

Code:  00000           Credits:   3  - Market Research

Code:  00000           Credits:   3  - Entrepreneurship

Code:  00000           Credits:   3  - Financial Mathematics

Code:  00000           Credits:   3  - Heritage and Cultural Imaginaries

Code:  00000           Credits:   2  - Research - Creation I

Code:  00000           Credits:   2  - Integral Formative Elective

Start your registration here!




Luis Alejandro Palacio García

Doctor in Empirical Economics

Aura Cecilia Pedraza Avella

Doctor in Economic Sciences

Claudia Patricia Cote Peña

Technology Management Specialist

Jhon Eduard Ciro Gómez

Master in Music

Vaslak Rojas Torres

Master in Interactive Design

Alexandra Cortés Aguilar

Doctor in Economics

Freddy Jesús Ruiz

Doctor in Regional Development and Economic Integration

Margarita Rodríguez Villabona

Master in E-learning

Luis Eduardo Bautista Rojas

Master in Systems and Computer Engineering

Clara Isabel López Gualdrón

Doctor in Engineering

Edna Rocío Bravo Ibarra

Doctor in Business Administration

José Germán Toloza Hernández

Doctor in Arts

Martha Liliana Torres Barreto

Doctor in Strategy and Marketing

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School of Economics and Administration

Teléfono: +57 (607) 634 4000

Extensión: 2249



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Bucaramanga, Santander

Carrera 27 calle 9

Edificio de Ciencias Humanas II, 8th floor

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Monday to Friday

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2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

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