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Systems Engineering



The Systems Engineering program stands out for:

  • Its local, regional, national and international recognition because of its high-quality training, supported by the accreditation processes obtained throughout its history.

  • The impact it generates in the region, given its strong presence in Bucaramanga and the regional headquarters of Barbosa, Malaga, and Socorro.

  • The multidisciplinary nature of the basic engineering cycle.

  • The professionalism of its faculty, who offer students a comprehensive education that enables them to develop their full potential.

  • The research groups that support the program, which are certified by Colciencias.

  • The research groups where students can explore and develop their research skills

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  • The academic interaction, evidenced by the existence of agreements, academic exchange programs, and double degree programs with national and international institutions of recognized prestige, which favor the mobility of students and the collaboration of students and professors in joint work and research.

  • The relationship with the industry through agreements, from which Systems Engineering students can perform internships and business practices that facilitate their approach to the professional environment.

  • The graduates of the program have been pioneers in the development of the regional productive sector, mainly in the creation or their incorporation in technology-based companies.

Bucaramanga, Santander: SNIES 698 | Qualified Registry: Resolution of the Ministry of National Education (MEN) No. 003814  March 18, 2022, validity for 7 years.

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Systems Engineer (BS)



10 semesters






Barbosa (basic cycle)
Málaga (basic cycle)
Socorro (basic cycle)




To perform successfully in this program, the applicants are required to have the following skills:             

  • Abstract reasoning.

  • Ability to calculate mathematically.

  • Efficient problem-solving skills

  • Knowledge of basic computing, software and hardware.

  • Interest in administrative and financial sciences.




Systems engineers who graduated from the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) are highly qualified professionals to examine, formulate, analyze, treat and solve problems in interdisciplinary groups, adequately interpreting their nature to propose representative models as possible solutions. To this end, they relate all the components involved in the proposed problem, thus ensuring an efficient solution through the use of computer, communication, and automation resources available.




High-quality accreditation: Ministerio de Educación Nacional (MEN) Resolution no. 18039  September 28, 2020 (valid for six years).





The Systems Engineering Program has implemented a process of continuous improvement that will allow future professionals to have a solid educational foundation with the capacity to manage innovative processes, emerging technologies, and anticipate the welfare and safety needs of the community. With this, students, employers, and society in general will be confident that the program meets quality standards and prepares graduates to enter a global workforce.

Program Educational Objectives

The Systems Engineering Program has defined its educational objectives in accordance with the mission of the Universidad Industrial de Santander and the needs of the constituents. In this way, the program has defined that its graduates following 3 to 5 years of graduation are able to:

  • Excel as a Systems Engineer contributing to the positive transformation of organizations through their participation in computing systems projects.

  • Drive innovation within organizations through their leadership, knowledge, and capacity for collaborative work.

  • Be a resilient engineer in the face of organizational, technological, social and cultural changes in a global context.

Student Outcomes

The program of Systems Engineering aims to develop the following student outcomes:

  1. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.

  2. An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.

  3. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.

  4. An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.

  5. An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.

  6. An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.

  7. An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

Historical Enrollment and Graduation Statistics

Admitted78 79 110 119 121 217 179 125 166144
Enrolled580 616 660 760 819 897 959 1002 1026 1062
Graduates (Term)54 12 23 10 34 14 48 15 52


All about our program




Code:  24948           Credits:    0  – University Life and Culture

Code:  23427           Credits:    3  – Language Workshop

Code:  23423           Credits:    1  – Physical Culture and Sports

Code:  22979           Credits:    4  – Linear Algebra I

Code:  22949           Credits:    4  – Basic Chemistry

Code:  22948           Credits:    4  – Fundamentals of Programming

Code:  20252           Credits:    4  – Calculus I


Code:  23424           Credits:    4  – English I

Code:  22952           Credits:    2  – Biology for Engineers

Code:  22951           Credits:    4  – Object Oriented Programming

Code:  22950           Credits:    4  – Physics I

Code:  22109           Credits:    3  – Citizenship Ethics

Code:  20253           Credits:    4  – Calculus II


Code:  23425           Credits:    4  – English II

Code:  22955           Credits:    4  – Data Structure and Analysis of Algorithms

Code:  22954           Credits:    4  – Discrete Mathematics

Code:  22953           Credits:    4  – Physics II

Code:  20254           Credits:    4  – Calculus III


Code:  22959           Credits:    4  – Databases I

Code:  22958           Credits:    4  – Automata and Formal Languages

Code:  22957           Credits:    4  – Fundamentals of Electronics

Code:  22956           Credits:    4  – Physics III

Code:  20255           Credits:    4  – Differential Equations


Code:  22964           Credits:    3  – Business Management I

Code:  22963           Credits:    4  – Systems Thinking and Organizations

Code:  22962           Credits:    4  – Numerical Analysis

Code:  22961           Credits:    4  – Digital Systems

Code:  22960           Credits:    4  – Databases II


Code:  22968           Credits:    4  – Information Systems

Code:  22967           Credits:    4  – Web Programming

Code:  22966           Credits:    4  – Computer Architecture

Code:  22965           Credits:    4  – Computer Networks I

Code:  21857           Credits:    4  – Statistics I


Code:  22971           Credits:    4  – Artificial Intelligence I

Code:  22970           Credits:    4  – Computer Networks II

Code:  22969           Credits:    4  – Software Engineering I

Code:  21858           Credits:    4  – Statistics II

Code:  00003           Credits:    4  – Professional Elective


Code:  22974           Credits:    4  – Digital Simulation

Code:  22973           Credits:    4  – Software Engineering II

Code:  22972           Credits:    4  – Operating Systems

Code:  00003           Credits:    4  – Professional Elective


Code:  22976           Credits:    3  – Engineering Economics

Code:  22975           Credits:    3  – Final Undergraduate Thesis I

Code:  00003           Credits:    4  – Professional Elective

Code:  00002           Credits:    6  – Free Choice Courses


Code:  22978           Credits:    4  – Business Economics

Code:  22977           Credits:    7  – Final Undergraduate Thesis II

Code:  00003           Credits:    4  – Professional Elective


Code:  21870           Credits:    4  – IT Management

Code:  22490           Credits:    4  – Information Security

Code:  24542           Credits:    4  – Programming Environments

Code:  24543           Credits:    4  – Digital Signal Processing

Code:  24544           Credits:    4  – Linear Time-Invariant Systems

Code:  24545           Credits:    4  – Structured Modeling

Code:  24546           Credits:    4  – Microcontrollers I

Code:  24548           Credits:    4  – Information Systems Audit

Code:  24549           Credits:    4  – Operations Research

Code:  24550           Credits:    4  – Large-Scale Models

Code:  24551           Credits:    4  – Business Network Management

Code:  24552           Credits:    4  – Artificial Intelligence II

Code:  24553           Credits:    4  – Microcontrollers II

Code:  24554           Credits:    4  – Research Work II

Code:  24555           Credits:    4  – Biomedical Informatics

Code:  24556           Credits:    4  – Distributed Systems

Code:  24557           Credits:    4  – Software Engineering III

Code:  24558           Credits:    4  – Artificial Intelligence III

Code:  24560           Credits:    4  – Distributed Programming

Code:  24936           Credits:    4  – Compilers

Code:  27288           Credits:    4  – Human-Computer Interaction

Code:  27571           Credits:    4  – Digital Image Processing

Code:  27572           Credits:    4  – Algorithms I

Code:  27582           Credits:    4  – Large-Scale Data Analysis

Code:  27586           Credits:    4  – Research Work I

Code:  27798           Credits:    4  – Convex Optimization

Code:  28091           Credits:    4  – Object-Oriented Software Development Principles and Practices

Code:  28661           Credits:    4  – Introduction to Parallel Computing

Code:  28664           Credits:    4  – Educational Innovation in the Information Society

Code:  28665           Credits:    4  – Business Models in the Information Society

Code:  29058           Credits:    4  – Computer Vision

Code:  29155           Credits:    4  – Enterprise Architecture

Code:  29156           Credits:    4  – Knowledge Management

Start your registration here!​

Bucaramanga, Barbosa, Málaga, Socorro



Professor Carlos Jaime Barrios Hernández of the School of Systems Engineering and Computer Science, UIS, is presented to the general public and the educational community. The photo was taken in close-up, with a white background, and the professor is positioned in the center.

Carlos Jaime

Doctor in Computer Science
Professor David Edmundo Romo Buchelli of the School of Systems Engineering and Computer Science, UIS, is presented to the general public and the educational community. The photo was taken in close-up, with a white background, and the professor is positioned in the center.

David Edmundo

Doctor in Engineering (Electrical Engineering)
Professor Fabio Martínez Carrillo of the School of Systems Engineering and Computer Science, UIS, is presented to the general public and the educational community. The photo was taken in close-up, with a white background, and the professor is positioned in the center.


Doctor in Computer and Systems Engineering

Fernando Antonio

Master in Computer Science
Professor Gabriel Rodrigo Pedraza Ferreira of the School of Systems Engineering and Computer Science, UIS, is presented to the general public and the educational community. The photo was taken in close-up, with a white background, and the professor is positioned in the center.

Gabriel Rodrigo

Doctor in Computer Sciences
Professor Henry Arguello Fuentes of the School of Systems Engineering and Computer Science, UIS, is presented to the general public and the educational community. The photo was taken in close-up, with a white background, and the professor is positioned in the center.


Doctor in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Hoover Fabián

Doctor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Professor Hugo Hernando Andrade Sosa of the School of Systems Engineering and Computer Science, UIS, is presented to the general public and the educational community. The photo was taken in close-up, with a white background, and the professor is positioned in the center.

Hugo Hernando

Master in Computer Science

John William

Doctor in Engineering


Master in Computer Science
Professor Lola Xiomara Bautista Rozo of the School of Systems Engineering and Computer Science, UIS, is presented to the general public and the educational community. The photo was taken in close-up, with a white background, and the professor is positioned in the center.

Lola Xiomara

Doctor of Signal and Image Processing

Luis Carlos

Master in Computer Science

Luis Ignacio

Master in Computer Science
Professor Manuel Guillermo Flórez Becerra of the School of Systems Engineering and Computer Science, UIS, is presented to the general public and the educational community. The photo was taken in close-up, with a white background, and the professor is positioned in the center.

Manuel Guillermo

Master in Computer Science

Sergio Fernando

Doctor in Telematic Systems Engineering
Professor Sonia Cristina Gamboa Sarmiento of the School of Systems Engineering and Computer Science, UIS, is presented to the general public and the educational community. The photo was taken in close-up, with a white background, and the professor is positioned in the center.

Sonia Cristina

Doctor in Education



Icono de estudiantes


*Second semester
2023 data



*Data taken until
september 2023

Do you want more information?

Contact Us


School of Systems Engineering and Informatics

Telephone: +57 (607) 634 4000

Extension: 2342



UIS Central Campus

Bucaramanga, Santander

Carrera 27 calle 9

Laboratorios Pesados Building, office 339

Office hours
Office hours

Office hours:

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. – 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

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