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The program lasts 9 semesters, each composed of academic activities that integrate the following areas of knowledge: basic, professional, specialized, and complementary. These areas are developed through training based on cognitive, procedural, and attitudinal competencies.

In the basic area, the focus is on the Theory of Architecture and the City; in the professional area, the focus includes: Project Design, Graphic Representation and Expression, Technology, Urbanism, and Professional Practice; in the specialized area, the focus is on Bioclimatic Design; and in the complementary area, the focus is on Comprehensive Education.

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The program aims to transform and organize physical spaces into architectural projects that ensure the optimal use of environmental characteristics, sustainable use of natural resources, integration of efficient renewable energy systems, and user comfort, thus making significant contributions to sustainable development in local, regional, national, and global contexts.

The program is offered in the municipality of Socorro – Santander, which is one of the eighteen (18) Heritage Towns of Colombia. These towns are distinguished by their unique architecture, indigenous culture, distinctive cuisine, natural surroundings, and historical significance in the country’s development, according to the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Tourism of Colombia.

All academic activities in the Architecture curriculum take place in the physical spaces of the Lecture Building at the Bicentennial Campus of the UIS Socorro branch. This building was awarded at the 2022 Colombian Architecture and Urbanism Biennale and was a finalist in the 2024 prestigious Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize (MCHAP) from the University of Illinois, USA.

Upon fulfilling the institutionally established requirements, Architecture students can participate in UIS research and outreach projects and programs and engage in academic exchanges with national and international universities with which the University has agreements.

The program provides students with the theoretical and methodological tools necessary for designing accident risk prevention programs. Additionally, it equips them with the knowledge to conduct vulnerability analyses, develop evaluation plans, establish emergency response protocols, and devise strategies to mitigate the impact of hygienic, psychosocial, and postural risks to prevent adverse effects on workers’ health.

Socorro, Santander | Qualified register: Resolución del Ministerio de Educación Nacional (MEN) n.° 009914 de 12 de junio de 2024, vigencia 7 años.

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9 Semesters










The applicant for the Architecture program should possess both academic and personal skills, including critical reading and writing, spatial vision, graphic ability, creativity, and artistic sensitivity. They should be autonomous, responsible, and ethical citizens with proficiency in information and communication technologies, research and innovation skills, efficient time management, and the ability to work in teams, in the field, and in open spaces. Additionally, they should have the motivation to integrate knowledge and creativity to design, transform, and improve architectural spaces, aiming for the well-being of people and their interaction with the environment.

To demonstrate the aforementioned skills, competencies, and abilities, the university considers the competencies obtained by the applicant in the Examen de Estado Saber 11, administered by the Ministry of National Education, as a requirement for the admission process to the program.




The graduate of the Architecture program at Universidad Industrial de Santander is a professional with leadership, creativity, autonomy, and ethics, trained in citizenship, generic, and disciplinary competencies. These enable them to understand aesthetic, environmental, and socio-cultural expressions and manifestations crucial in architecture for the development of urban and rural spaces, both in public and private sectors. They consider societal requirements and current and future technical, economic, and political advancements of humanity.

They possess knowledge and sensitivity to real and objective issues regarding habitat, housing, and basic needs of local, regional, and national communities. They have the capability to propose architectural solutions based on current regulations, user satisfaction and comfort, sustainable development of territories, and rational use of natural resources.




The fields of professional practice focus on planning, designing, managing, executing, and supervising architectural projects for residential and non-residential buildings, urban developments, and the restoration of material heritage. These activities are conducted in response to the diverse and comprehensive demands of habitat in all its manifestations and dimensions.




Specific Competencies

  • Values and restores architectural heritage based on historical knowledge and theories of architecture, art, aesthetics, and human sciences.
  • Designs and manages landscape architecture according to spatial, functional, environmental, and socio-cultural needs to ensure the harmonious development of the environment in the areas of intervention.
  • Formulates and designs architectural projects for construction and infrastructure works based on client requirements, technical information, universal design, and associated regulations.
  • Designs urban projects that meet the needs of humans, society, and their culture, considering territorial planning, context, and meeting aesthetic, technical, and regulatory requirements.
  • Manages and controls the development of civil construction works and their maintenance according to designs, scheduling, technical specifications, and current regulations.
  • Selects and appropriately uses construction materials based on their physicochemical, biological, and mechanical properties.
  • Defines the technology, construction systems, structural systems, environmental conditioning, and installations appropriate to the demands of the architectural and/or urban project according to local regulations and context.
  • Manages modeling methodology and information handling at all stages of the life cycle of building and infrastructure projects in line with the organization's strategic planning, existing technologies, and involved specialties.
  • Develops bioclimatic architecture strategies in construction and urban planning projects according to the environmental conditions of the surroundings, sustainability criteria, and energy efficiency.


Generic Competencies

  • Communicates effectively in the native language and a second language, both orally and in writing, through physical or digital texts, with direct or indirect interaction communities during the execution of architectural projects.
  • Applies knowledge of Sciences and Architecture to solve complex societal problems.
  • Uses modern design techniques, skills, and tools necessary for the practice of architecture, graphic representation, and modeling of all project components to optimize resources.


Civic Competencies

  • Applies norms and laws to address problematic situations related to the discipline and provides solutions from social, ethical, economic, and environmental dimensions.
  • Respects and adheres to the rights, duties, principles, and values established in institutional regulations and the norms of the Colombian State and international contexts when interacting in work teams or with the community.




The training of the Architect has been grounded in the mission, principles, and values of the UIS institutional project, with a competency-based approach and specific program learning outcomes. Upon completion of the Architecture program, the graduate will be able to:

  • Evaluate alternatives for the conservation of cultural and heritage assets, based on knowledge and understanding of the theoretical and historical foundations of architecture and the construction methods used in buildings and spaces considered world heritage.
  • Graphically represent architectural and urban projects, through physical or digital simulation of their components and the behavior of bioclimatic aspects of their environment, using technological drawing techniques and tools in multiple dimensions.
  • Design environmentally efficient architectural solutions, as a result of analyzing user needs and requirements in different environments and studying the physical, climatic, and social characteristics of the site.
  • Implement energy and water efficiency systems in architectural and urban projects, using sustainable construction materials and technologies, in accordance with current regulations.
  • Manage architectural projects efficiently using physical, human, and economic resources to ensure quality and safety in buildings and urban works, applying sustainability principles throughout all project stages.
  • Effectively communicate architectural solutions that address community needs, developed through interdisciplinary teamwork, and consider professional ethics, constitutional norms, and principles of social responsibility.
  • Act responsibly, ethically, and professionally in various social, political, economic, and environmental contexts, recognizing the harmonious development of individuals in all their dimensions, respect for human rights, and environmental protection. This is within a framework that promotes autonomy, critical reflection, and the free development of personality, to contribute to societal well-being and the construction of a better quality of life.

All about the program




Code:                      Credits:    3  - History of Architecture

Code:                      Credits:    3  - Architectural Design Fundamentals Project

Code:                      Credits:    3  - Parametric Drawing

Code:                      Credits:    2  - Freehand Drawing Techniques

Code:                      Credits:    3  - Introduction to Bioclimatic Architecture

Code:                      Credits:    1  - Physical and Sports Culture

Code:                      Credits:    1  - Cátedra UIS


Code:                      Credits:    3  - History of Architecture II

Code:                      Credits:    2  - Theory of Architecture I

Code:                      Credits:    5  - Architectural Project in Single-Family Housing

Code:                      Credits:    4  - Architectural Composition

Code:                      Credits:    2  - Ecology


Code:                     Credits:    2  - Theory of Architecture II

Code:                     Credits:    5  - Architectural Project in Multi-Family Housing

Code:                     Credits:    2  - Building Materials I

Code:                     Credits:    2  - Bioclimatic Laboratory

Code:                     Credits:    2  - Foreign Language I: English

Code:                     Credits:    3  - Language Workshop


Code:                     Credits:    3  - Heritage Architecture

Code:                     Credits:    5  - Architectural Project in Institutional Buildings

Code:                    Credits:    2  - Computer-Aided Architectural and Engineering Drawing

Code:                     Credits:    2  - Building Materials II

Code:                     Credits:    2  - Landscape Design

Code:                     Credits:    2  - Foreign Language II: English


Code:                     Credits:    5  - Urban Design Project

Code:                     Credits:    3  - Computerized Works Simulation

Code:                     Credits:    2  - Conventional and Industrialized Structures

Code:                     Credits:    2  - Technical Networks and Installations

Code:                     Credits:    2  - Foreign Language III: English

Code:                     Credits:    2  - Transdisciplinary Elective I


Code:                     Credits:    5  - Architectural Project in Complex Buildings

Code:                     Credits:    2  - Workshop on Cultural Interest Housing

Code:                     Credits:    2  - Construction Processes

Code:                     Credits:    3  - Sustainable Cities and Communities

Code:                     Credits:    2  - Renewable Energy Systems

Code:                     Credits:    2  - Foreign Language IV: English


Code:                     Credits:    5  - Integrated Project I: Residential Bioclimatic Buildings

Code:                     Credits:    3  - Sustainable Territorial Planning

Code:                     Credits:    2  - Costs and Budget

Code:                     Credits:    3  - Disciplinary Elective I

Code:                     Credits:    3  - Integral Formation Elective I


Code:                     Credits:    5  - Integrated Project II: Non-Residential Bioclimatic Buildings

Code:                     Credits:    3  - Sustainable Construction

Code:                     Credits:    2  - Legislation and Contracting in Architecture

Code:                     Credits:    3  - Disciplinary Elective II

Code:                     Credits:    3  - Integral Formation Elective II


Code:                     Credits:    5  - Integrated Project III: Urban Developments and City

Code:                     Credits:    2  - Extreme Architecture

Code:                     Credits:    3  - Construction Management

Code:                     Credits:    2  - Architectural Project Management

Code:                     Credits:    2  - Disciplinary Elective III

Code:                     Credits:    2  - Transdisciplinary Elective II

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Socorro, Santander

Calle 14 No. 6-07

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2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

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